Are You A Hopeless Romantic ?
Always on the hunt for new ideas to add to your romance arsenal?
As if there wasn’t enough food for your hopeless romantic hunger on our first post – 110 Romantic Things To Do – Bet You Never Thought of All These Before? Now we have even more powerful ideas for you to add to your reserve supply of potential activities..
5 minutes devoted to romance = 1 day of harmony.
Think of all the times that your failure to do some little thing—like calling to tell her you’ll be home late from work, or mailing her a “special” birthday card on time—has caused a full day of unhappiness. Consistent attention to your lover will keep your relationship balanced and happy. It doesn’t take much! Little gestures go a long way.
Give your lover a dozen roses—and do it with a creative twist.Give eleven red roses and one white rose. Attach a note that reads:
“In every bunch there’s one who stands out— and you are that one.”
Gallantry never really goes out of style. So every once in a while kiss her hand with a flourish. Note: The proper way to kiss a woman’s hand is to lower your lips to her hand. You don’t raise her hand to your lips.
Keep candles in the car. Eat dinner by candlelight the next time you go to McDonald’s.
Run your hands under hot water before joining your partner in bed(!)
Ask her best girlfriend—or her mother—for help. Ask her to go shopping with you (secretly!). Tell her you want to spend one afternoon shopping for a year’s worth of gifts for your partner. Establish a budget, let her think about it for a week, then go shopping together.
Don’t just walk into the house tonight the way you always do. Pause on the porch; ring the doorbell; and greet her with one red rose and a bottle of champagne.
Buy a stuffed animal and give as a gift of your love for a special occasion. Then, periodically, hide that stuffed animal in odd places your love will find it accidentally ( refrigerator, medicine cabinet, food pantry, linen closet, etc.) It is just like saying I Love You all over again!
Want to jazz up the presentation of a special meal? Buy a little hunk of dry ice from a local ice house. Put it in a bowl of water and place it on your serving tray. You’ll create wondrous, billowing white clouds!
Write “Romantic Reminders” on your “To Do” list at work. Use your Calendar app if you have one. Romantic Reminders will remind you with plenty of time to properly prepare for your next “surprise”.
Start saving mementos of your life together.
Create a “Memories Box.”
• Save movie stubs, theater programs, and
restaurant receipts.
• Save sand and seashells from your beach
• Save labels from wine bottles and corks
from champagne bottles.
• Save restaurant menus and placemats.
• Save maps from your road trips.
• Save plane tickets, movie tickets, event tickets, theater
tickets, etc.
• Use these mementos to create a unique gift for a
special anniversary. Make a collage, a scroll, a
memory box, or a scrapbook.
• Give her one Hershey’s Kiss.
• Give her one thousand Hershey’s Kisses.
• Remove all the little paper strips (that
say “Kisses” on them) from a couple
hundred Hershey’s Kisses. Fill a little
jewelry box with them. Wrap ’em up and
present them to her.
• Write a clever certificate explaining that the little paper slips are
coupons redeemable for one kiss each.
Get her a wristwatch. Inscribe it with: I always have time for you.
• Write her a love letter or poem on one
sheet of paper. Glue it to thin cardboard; cut it up into puzzle shaped
pieces; then mail all the pieces to her.
• Or, mail one puzzle piece per day!
Write “I love you” on every page of a pack of Post-It
Notes. Stick ’em all over the house!
Write a short note to your lover that’s spread out over
several postcards. Write a short phrase on each postcard, then
mail one at a time. You’ll build anticipation for the romantic
conclusion on the final postcard. (Maybe deliver that last one in
Put notes on various household products:
• Joy dish washing liquid: “Every day with you is a Joy.”
• Cheerios: “Just knowing you love me cheers me up!”
• Old Spice cologne: “You spice up my life!”
• Ritz Crackers: “Let’s ‘Put On The Ritz’ tonight! Let’s go dancing!”
• A roll of Lifesavers: “You’re a lifesaver!”
• Caress soap: “This is what I’m going to do to you tonight.”
• Mail her a pack of matches. Attach a note: “I’m hot for you.”
• Mail him a pair of oven mitts. Attach a note: “I’m hot for you.”
• Mail her a bottle of Tabasco sauce. Attach a note: “I’m hot for you.”
• Mail him a pair of your sexiest panties. The note: “I’m hot for you.
Write one love letter on twenty-five different index cards. Hide these all over the house. Finding all of them will be the first challenge. Putting them in order will be the second challenge.
Remove the mechanism from a musical card and attach it to the bottom of a dinner plate or to the inside of a heart-shaped box of chocolates.
Put a tiny little love note inside a balloon. Insert the message, blow up the balloon and tie it. Then attach a pin to the string.
Send him one rose. The note: “This bud’s for you!”
Hopeless Romantic “make-up” idea:
Remove all of the thorns from a dozen long-stem red roses before you give them to your lover. The note: “These roses symbolize my love for you. Perfect, pure, and without the thorns of hurt. I’m not perfect but my love for you is.”
Get an empty bottle of prescription pills.
Fill it with green M&M’s. Create a custom label, something like this:
Patient: (Your Pet Name For Your Lover)
Medication: Libido Liberator—Extra Strength!
Side Effects: Love Sickness & Hot Flashes.
Dosage: A Handful or Two.
Refills: See Prescribing Physician Only!
Physician: Doctor of Love, (Your Name).
When you’re traveling without her: Mail a card or note
to her the day before you leave town, so she’ll get it while you’re away.
When you’re going to be away, tape your photo to your pillow.
Literally make a “game” out of being romantic.
Take the spinner from an old board game; cover over the original instructions; divide the circle into twelve quadrants. Write different
romantic activities in each quadrant. Take turns giving it a spin every week.
Send him a letter sealed with a kiss. (Use your reddest lipstick.) Perfume is a nice added touch
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Buy a lottery ticket. Give it to her with a little note attached:
“I hit the jackpot when I married you!”
Have “your song” playing on the stereo when your partner returns home from work.
Gals: Stumped about what to get him for Valentine’s
Day? Try this idea this year: Forget the gift! Just greet him at the
front door wearing a big red ribbon—and nothing else.
Of course you know how to kiss, but perhaps a refresher course might add a little spark to your lives. Pick up a copy of a fun little book called The Art of Kissing, by William Cane. In it are instructions for (among other things)…try them all – be committed
• The Candy Kiss
• The Sliding Kiss
• The Counter Kiss
• The Music Kiss
• The Surprise Kiss
• The Vacuum Kiss
• The Perfume Kiss
• The French Kiss
• The Japanese Kiss
“Christen” every room in your house or apartment by making love in it.
(Don’t forget to include the stairways, hallways, and closets.)
Carve her initials and yours into a tree.
Don’t wait until Saturday night to go out dancing. Dance by yourselves at home in your living room. Move the furniture and roll up the rug!
Copy your face (or other body parts) on the Xerox machine.
Mail it to him with a funny or suggestive note.
Surprise her by giving her a gift on your birthday.
Ladies, if you want to stimulate a little bedroom passion, try wearing one of his dress shirts to bed. A surprising number of men and women find this to be a great turn-on!
Agree to meet at a local bar and pretend to be strangers…then flirt with each other…play hard to get, or whatever role you’d like to play
Hopeless Romantic Car Games
• Kissing at every stop light.
• Kissing whenever you spot a red Corvette.
• Making love at highway rest areas.
Tie one end of a string to the doorknob, string it through the house—then tie the other end of the string to yourself. Wait patiently in the bedroom.
Write a check to your lover and instead of making it out for dollars make it out for special favors
Create a bouquet of “Long Stem Panties” for her. Buy a
dozen red, pink, and white panties; buy some plastic roses; remove
the plastic buds and replace them with the rolled-up panties.
Kidnap her! Blindfold her. Drive her around town
until she’s thoroughly lost. Then reveal your destination: her
favorite restaurant, or maybe a romantic inn.
Write your own version of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s famous poem “How do I love thee, let me count the ways…”
This idea works great for birthdays…35th birthday? Write down 35 ways you love your partner
Make a “Mission Impossible” voice recording with the voice recorder on your cell phone. Save the file as “Play Me”. Email or text it to your partner.
• “Your assignment, should you choose to accept it…is
to meet a handsome, dark-haired stranger for a romantic dinner
at the elegant Posh Café, tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. I suggest
you take on the role of a mysterious and ravishing beauty…”
For women only: When you’re dressed up and out together,
secretly hand him your panties under the table. Watch his expression.
If you’ve talked about maybe moving in together, and you decide you want to go for it, place your apartment key in a gift box, wrap it up and give it to her.
Or—mail it to her with a note: “You already own the key to my heart…now I want you to have this key.”
Dig out your wedding album. Have a new eight-by-ten-inch print made of the best photo of your bride. Wrap it up and give it to yourself for your birthday or for Christmas.
• In the middle of a party or other social event, turn to her and whisper, “You’re the best.”
• While walking down the street together, turn to her and whisper, “I’m glad I
married you.”
• While driving somewhere together, turn to her and say, “I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
Would you like your life to read like a romance novel?
Well now it can! You can get a romance novel customized with you and
your lover as the hero and heroine. Seven titles are available, including
Another Day in Paradise and Love’s Bounty. Each book will include more
than twenty personal details about the two of you. Only $49.95. Call
Your Novel at 800-444-3356, or visit http://www.yournovel.com.
Have a one-of-a-kind jigsaw puzzle created for your puzzle-lover. You might create a special message or propose marriage with one!
Call J.C. Ayer & Co. at 781-639-8162,
or visit www.ayerpuzzles.com.
Some hiding places for little love notes, Post-Its, and small gifts:
• Under the pillow
• In the glove compartment
• In the medicine cabinet
• In the refrigerator
• Inside a book she’s reading
• In her checkbook
• In his shirt pocket
• In her wallet
• In his briefcase
• In her purse
• In a pizza box
• Under his dinner plate
• In his sock drawer
• In his daily planner
• In the trunk of her car
• In his eyeglasses case
Plan a mystery getaway –
Pack for a weekend and agree on a time to leave. When you’re in the car ready to go, roll a single 6 sided die.
1 = north 2= south 3 = east 4 = west 5 and 6 are automatic re-roll.
Then drive until you get somewhere that suits you both…sooner or later, you’ll either find a really cool place or you’ll be tired and ready to just spend a quiet weekend in a room with no distractions.
When was the last time you went out parking? (For most of us, it was way back in high school.)
Rediscover the sexual rush, the thrill of being caught, just the plain
fun of parking! Find the local “Lovers Lane” in your town,
fill the back seat of your car with pillows, and make a date for late Friday night!
Hang a pair of your panties on his rearview mirror.
Hopeless Romantic Ways to Propose Marriage
• Skywriting proposals
• Sky banner proposals
• Custom jigsaw puzzle proposals
• Videotaped proposals
• Proposals on billboards
• Proposals inside custom-made Chinese fortune cookies
• Audiotaped proposals
• Telegrammed proposals
• Using lit candles to spell out “Will you marry me?”
• Painting the proposal on the roof, then taking her flying!
Buy some crayons. If you’re right-handed, take a crayon in your left hand. Write a short note to him as if you were in first grade.
Have a special photograph blown up to poster size. You might choose a wedding photo, or a really funny photo of the two of you.
Guys: Add Mother’s Day to your list of Obligatory Romance
dates to observe. Mark it on your calendar now.
For your next anniversary: Write a short, sweet poem titled, “Another Wonderful Year with You.” Then for the following year, write another
poem (same title). This ritual gives you a built-in gift every year!
For your twenty-fifth or fiftieth anniversary you might collect the poems into a book, or have them all framed, or have them rendered in elegant calligraphy.
Cool things you could rent from a rental store – Great for theme dates, surprise parties, or fantasies acted out in great detail!
• An automatic bubble machine
• A “fogger” that makes special-effects fog
• Various costumes
• A jukebox
• A Victorian carriage and horse
• A pinball machine
Name your boat after her.
Write a personal message somewhere on your body (with washable ink)—and let him discover it.
Before you leave on a trip, leave a bottle of scented massage oil on the nightstand, along with a note saying, “I’m going to use this on you as soon as I return.”
Send a taxi to pick him up after work. Have the taxi driver hand him a sealed envelope. The note inside says, “All work and no play makes you a dull boy—so come and play!” Pre-pay the cab fare (including tip!), and instruct the driver to take him to a local hotel. Have another sealed envelope waiting for him at the front desk. (You decide what kind of note to write!) Be waiting for him in the honeymoon suite with chilled champagne and a warm bed.
Ladies: You want more romance? Give him more sex. (Try having sex every night—night after night after night after night—until he begs you to stop! Just try it as a little experiment. It just might transform your ho-hum relationship into a raging love affair!)
Guys: You want more sex?
Give her more romance.
Romance her like Don Juan. Like Romeo. Like Clark Gable.
Romance her every day in every way.
Romance her using every single Hopeless Romantic Idea on this page and on
Then think up a couple hundred more ways to be romantic. And she’ll give
you all the sex you could ever dream of.
Check Out Our Most Popular Posts Below Before You Go !
Very thoughtful hopeless romantic ideas ! I just started writing my letter on 25 index cards…can’t wait to hide them all! Thanks
I’ve always thot of myself as a hopeless romantic…now I know I really am…I love how you don’t hide anything or try to sell your stuff…thanks sexytext!
Very creative romantic ideas right here…lovem! I’ve got a post-it note on my TV right now waiting on my girlfriend to come home…she’s gonna love it! THX