Romantic Ideas for Romantic Things To Touch Your Partners Heart
Tired of going through the motions of the same old romantic things to do for your other half? Now you have a list of incredibly thoughtful memorable romantic ideas at your finger tips! Print this list out on paper and keep it hidden in your car or somewhere it will be safe and plan your next move weeks ahead of time! You’ll remember when you need to!
As you browse through these romantic things to do you may laugh to yourself how silly they sound…consider for a second how they would be received by the one you love before you cross them off your list. Unlike fast cars, expensive toys and gadgets that you can shop here for, these are the things that will last forever and mean the most when you reach your golden years.
Enjoy SexyText101 Romantic Things To Do List
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1 If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear.
2 Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the ceiling above your bed to spell out a message such as “I Love You” When the lights go down, your message will be revealed!
3 On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Put the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet. Attach a card that says: “I will love you until the last rose fades.”
4 Buy the domain name of your partner’s name if it is available for example www.KathleenDavis.com. Create a web page containing a romantic poem and a picture of a rose. When your partner is surfing the web, casually ask whether she has ever checked to see whether her domain name is taken. Let her type it in to discover her page.
5 Buy a nice hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in the box saying “In this mirror you will see the image of the most beautiful woman in the world.”
6 Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil,

underline letters in a section of the book she has yet to read to spell out a love letter. For example in the following exert from a novel, the underlined letters come together to spell out the secret message “I love you”
7 Old Faithful – Have flowers delivered to your partner’s workplace. Remember she will not only enjoy the flowers but will also receive comments and attention from her office mates which will add to her enjoyment.
8 While walking with your partner on a weekend getaway, pick up a smooth stone and say that you’re going to keep it as a special memento of your trip. Later, have a message such as “I Love Julie” engraved into the stone by a jeweler and give it to your partner.
9 Drive into the country, find a grassy hill and lie with your partner and look up at the clouds. Play the kid’s game of looking for shapes in the cloud formations. Tell your partner how young you feel when you’re with them.
10 Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your two names pointing to the stick figures. Write “I Love You” inside a heart. Next get a large formal envelope. Place your drawing inside and type up a formal address label of your partner’s work such as: For the immediate and urgent attention of: Meagan Woolf
11 If you are walking by a park, visit the swings and give your partner a ride. This will often bring back happy memories from their childhood.
12 Leave a long stem rose where your partner will find it with a note on it saying: “Thank you for coming into my life, thank you even more for being the best part of it”
13 Ladies: Send him a letter sealed with a kiss. (Use your reddest lipstick.)
14 Buy a small decorated cardboard box, a sheet of colored tissue paper, some massage oil and a blank card. Line the box with the tissue paper. Place the massage oil in the box and write the following message on the card: I know a great Masseur. For an appointment call: (Your Phone Number)
15 For this idea you will need a set of ear buds for your smart phone. If you and your partner have a favorite song, get a copy of it on your phones media player and take it with you when you go away for a romantic weekend. When you are in a romantic spot, ask your partner if she would like to dance. Place one earpiece in her ear and one in your own and enjoy your private dance floor. This is much more memorable if the romantic spot you have chosen is somewhere where people would not normally dance, for example, the top of the Empire State building at sunset or on top of a mountain during a camping trip.
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16 If your partner has a pet that she adores, at Christmas, in addition to buying a gift for your partner, buy a small present for her pet.
17 Next time your partner sends you a text, reply with a short video response that includes your telling them just how much you love them…and the more cheesy the better!
18 If your partner has long hair, take the time to brush it using long slow strokes. This is particularly effective after she has had a shower or when she is getting ready for bed.
19 Contact your partner’s family and ask if there was anything she always wanted when she was a little girl and never got. For example if she always wanted an easy bake oven, buy one for her birthday. She will not only appreciate the gift but also the fact that you were thoughtful enough to find out what she always wanted.
20 Organize a professional photo shoot to obtain a portrait of the two of you as a couple. Frame the picture and put it somewhere prominent. Remember to make sure you give your partner plenty of notice so that she can get ready.
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21 When traveling, give your partner a bouquet of roses; one rose for each day that you’ll be away. Attach a note that says something like this: “These three roses represent the three days I’ll be away from you. They also symbolize the love, joy, and laughter we share together.”
22 If your partner has voice mail at work or on her mobile, when you know she won’t answer it…leave a message saying something like “Just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you.”
23 Buy some rose petals and place them behind the sun visor on the passenger side of your car. Take a post it note and write, “I Love You” on it and stick it to the back of the sun visor. As you are driving to a romantic destination, look at your partner and tell her she has a mark on her cheek. She will pull down the sun visor to use the mirror and be showered in rose petals and see your note.
24 When you and your partner are having an anniversary, buy two champagne glasses and get them engraved with your names and the date, for example: Jeff and Kate 19-Jun-2012 Go to the restaurant where you have made your reservations and request that when you and your partner arrive that your champagne be served in your special glasses. This will be a great surprise for your partner and a wonderful keepsake for you both.
25 On a special occasion such as your partner’s birthday, buy twenty-four red roses. Arrange to meet her at a specific spot in a shopping mall or another heavily populated place before going out for dinner. Get there early and position yourself around the corner from your meeting spot. Ask a guy who is walking by whether he would mind helping you out. Give him a rose, point out your partner and ask him to walk up to her and say, “Happy Birthday Mary” and give her the rose and then walk away. Repeat this with eleven other guys. A nice touch is to have the last rose delivered by a small child who could even by accompanied by his parents. After the first twelve flowers have been delivered, approach your partner with the twelve remaining roses.
26 Create a love memory montage by collecting some photographs of you and your partner, some ticket stubs of places you have visited and any other small odds and ends that have special meaning to you both. Take these items and get them professionally framed in a three dimensional collage. Alternatively, buy a frame and create a simple collage yourself.
27 Buy a tree with your partner and plant it in a special spot. Each year on your anniversary, have a glass of champagne next to your tree and talk about how your love and the tree have grown.
28 If you shower first in the morning, Steam up the bathroom and write a message such as “Scott Loves Kathy” on the mirror for your partner to read when she uses the bathroom. This also works on car windows when it’s cold.
29 When you and your partner are enjoying a restful time away, organize to wake up early one morning and go to a scenic spot to watch the sun rise. This may seem difficult but it is something which is definitely worth doing at least once. Seeing a new day being born is something really special to share with your partner.
30 When you have access to a spa, create a romantic atmosphere by placing some candles around the tub and some rose petals floating on the surface of the water. As your partner enjoys the water, serve champagne and chocolate covered strawberries before joining her.
31 Create some love coupons that your partner can exchange for romantic favors. For example you could have a coupon that reads This coupon entitles the bearer to: One Foot Massage. Use by 07/08/2045 Use a date many years in the future if you want to suggest that you and your partner will always be together.
32 On a warm summers night, organize a backyard picnic. Spread a picnic blanket on the ground and get together some snacks, chocolates and champagne. Lie down on the blanket with your partner and gaze up at the stars together.
33 Next time it is raining really heavily, go for a walk with your partner. Forget the umbrellas and the raincoats. Run through the streets together, jump in puddles and get totally saturated. Pick her up, twirl her around and kiss her while the rain falls. Taste the water off her face and hold her close. When you get back home have a hot shower and then share a drink in each others arms.
34 Organize a hot air ballooning trip as a special surprise. Most trips begin with a glass of champagne before you float over the countryside with your partner.
35 Unplug the TV. Put a note on the screen saying, “Turn me on instead.”
36 Buy a book that you and your partner are both interested in reading. Read one chapter each night in bed with each of you taking turns to read out loud. This can be a great alternative to television.
37 When your partner is having a shower or bath, take her towel and place it in the dryer to make it really warm and then wrap her up in it when she is done.
38 Photocopy your hand and fax a copy of it to your partner with a message saying, “Do ya wanna hold hands?”
39 Buy a box of chocolates and very carefully open one side of the plastic wrap so that you can gently slide the box out. Open the box and place a love note inside. Then slide the box back into its plastic wrap and reseal it with a small piece of 2 sided tape.
40 Buy a few pads of sticky notes. Fill at least 20 to 30 if not more with reasons you love them…then stick them all together in a surprising spot…car window, bathroom mirror, refrigerator, the front door, or wherever you think it will have the best impact.
41 Speak to your partner’s family and find out what her favorite book was when she was a little girl. Buy a copy of the book and read it to her in bed.
42 Write an email story with your partner. Start the ball rolling with an email that says something like: Chapter 1: This is the story of Kris and Kelli who met at a friend’s engagement party one summer afternoon. The email can then continue to develop the beginnings of a story which can be completely fictitious or a combination of fiction and reality. Finish your email by saying, “And now for Chapter 2, its over to you…”
43 When you and your partner are planning to go out for dinner, suggest that you have a ‘Mystery Dinner’. Here’s how it works Set the timer on your stopwatch to count down twenty minutes. Next, ask your partner to choose a number between 5 and 10. Lets say she chooses 7. Give your partner a coin and tell her that at every 7th intersection, she has to flip the coin. If it is heads you will turn left. If it is tails you will turn right. When your watch timer goes off you have to both keep a look out for the nearest place to eat. This is a fun way to get out and about and try new places to eat.
44 When you and your partner are going somewhere special, get your camera, buy a new roll of film or make sure your memory card has enough room and wait for her to come out of the house. When she appears, act like a professional photographer and go wild taking pictures of her with the flash. While you are taking photos, bombard her with questions as though she was a famous actress and you are trying to get a scoop for the magazine you represent, paparazzi style Not only is this fun but you will also get some great photos to look back on together.
45 When your partner is sick at home, take a day off to look after her. Rent some videos, make her some soup, wrap her up in a blanket and just be with her.
46 When you are having dinner one night, ask your partner about the things she has always wanted to do. Later on, write these things down so you don’t forget them and over time try and help make them happen. For example she may say that one thing she has always wanted to do is swim with dolphins. Find out where she can do this and organize it for her as a special surprise. Try to put some time between your discussion and carrying her dreams out.
47 Fill the trunk of your car with helium balloons. Drive to a romantic spot in the country to go for a walk. The ideal spot is somewhere up high with a clear view of the surrounding countryside. Get out of the car and act as though you are about to set off for your walk. Make sure your partner is closer to the car than you and then throw her the keys and ask if she can get your jacket from the trunk while you tie your shoelace. When she opens the boot the balloons will be released. You can also place a sign saying, “I Love You” on the inside of the trunk so that it will be revealed when the trunk opens.
48 Compliment your partner in public. If you are talking in a group and it is appropriate to the conversation say something like, “Kathleen makes the most incredible seafood. Everybody should have such an amazing chef as a partner.” Squeeze her hand while you are talking about her.
49 Arrange a special day off from work. Start with breakfast, go for a walk in the park, go shopping, have afternoon tea in a cozy cafe and finish off with a romantic dinner.
50 On Thursday, ask your partner to pack a bag for the weekend. Tell her she’ll need casual clothes and walking shoes but don’t tell her what you have got planned. Pick her up after work on Friday and drive to a romantic bed and breakfast for a romantic weekend of relaxation.
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51 Pick your partner up for a date and blindfold her before driving to a special destination. Try to make the destination something really unexpected like a table set up at the top of a cliff or a dinner on a boat or old-fashioned ship. It needs to be something that will have an impact when she removes the blindfold.
52 Buy your partner a gold fish in a bowl and give it to her with a card saying, “Of all the fish in the sea, you’re the fish for me!”
53 The day before your partner’s birthday buy some helium balloons, streamers and flowers and hide them in a closet. When your partner has fallen asleep, string the streamers around the room and bring out the balloons and flowers. Place them around the bed so that your partner wakes up to a real birthday surprise.
54 Plan a mystery trip for the weekend. Agree ahead of time the maximum time you’d like to spend driving. Pack your bags and plan for whatever the two of you like as much as possible. As you walk to the car to leave on the trip, flip a coin…Heads its north Tails its South…or you can switch to east and west depending on where you live. Then get on the highway and drive that direction until you see an exit or destination that sounds fun. Worst case you’ll end up in a remote motel with nothing to do but spend quality time together…alternatively, you can flip the first time and heads is north and south…tails is east and west…the second flip will determine the final direction.
55 If your mate makes the coffee in the morning, before you goto bed write “I love you” on a small piece of paper and put it inside the coffee filter. This also works well inside the refrigerator, dryer, washer, under the toilet lid, etc.
56 List 100 reasons why you love your mate, and leave it where they’ll find it. Alternatively for their 45th birthday write a list of 45 reasons you love them on special stationery and include it with your card.
57 Arrange for friends (and strangers) to spontaneously call your loved one and say, “He/she wants you to know s/he really thinks you are something special and loves you very much.” (It will amuse your friends and brighten their days too! And yes, strangers will play the game if you ask them right! The key is letting them know they are part of something bigger and that alot of others are in on it too.)
58 The First Time. Approach each day as if it is the day that you and your spouse are together for the first time. Be spontaneous. Rush to greet them at the door after a long day and give them a big hug and kiss. Turn off the TV and ask them about their day. Sometimes the most romantic thing a person can do is give their partner their full undivided attention and be a great listener! Remember how excited you were once upon a time just to see them…
59 Clean the house spotless while your other half is away. Incense or scented candles are a nice touch. Have your mates favorite romantic music playing when they come home. Have their favorite snacks ready. Meet your partner at the door, and welcome them into the peaceful haven you have just made. Creating a mood in your home that is relaxing and fun is often an invitation to romance.
60 The Kiss. Remember what it was like when you were anticipating the first kiss from your lover? Next time your partner reaches to kiss you, gently hold them back with your hand while looking into their eyes. Don’t say anything, rather look deep into their eyes as they gaze back at you. Move closer to them and with one finger, trace the shape of their face, around the eyes, nose and then slowly over their lips and down to their chin. Bring their face close to yours, slowly bring your lips to theirs, softly kissing only the upper lip, then the lower, bring your arms around them, slowly let the kiss grow, lips parting, until both of you are washed away with passion. When the kiss stops, remain in their embrace and look deeply into their eyes again before ending the embrace. It doesn’t matter if you have been married twenty years, when you take the time to really kiss your partner, the response is always the same.
61 Take Turns. Make the time to plan activities and take turns doing each other’s favorite things. It’s a given that you won’t enjoy everything that your partner likes to do, but if you go with a positive attitude, you will probably end up enjoying yourself. If for no other reason, go for the fact that your partner loves this activity and enjoy watching them during the day, how much fun they have. Next time, you will get the same patience and excitement from them on your turn.
62 On your partner’s birthday, send a thank-you card to his/her mother.
63 Take your significant other out for an ice cream cone and talk about your favorite memories together.
64 Every once in a while, kiss her hand with a flourish. Note: The proper way to kiss a woman’s hand is to lower your lips to her hand. You don’t raise her hand to your lips.
65 Write a short note to your lover that’s spread out over several postcards, then mail the cards one at a time on different days. You’ll build anticipation for the romantic conclusion on the final postcard. (Maybe deliver that last one in person.)
66 Nothing beats an honest-to-God love letter in the mailbox to make a lasting impression. Even couples who have lived together for years can indulge in love-letter writing and reading. Start with some pretty stationery or a pretty card, then carefully choose the words that best express your feelings. Not sure where to begin? How about, “I remember the day we met…don’t use email…the delivery needs to be as special as the message”
67 Create a list of clues on post it notes and hide them in order. The first one should lead to the second, the second should lead to the third…and the last one should lead to whatever surprise gift you may have awaiting. As an added touch you can leave the first one for them to discover accidentally while you’re away.
68 Buy one or more small gifts for your beloved. Hide them where they’ll be sure to surprise: in a coat pocket, the glove compartment of the car, under a pillow.
69 Take out a newspaper ad in the “Lost and Found” section. Have your ad state “I’ve lost my heart to you” . Have a florist deliver a rose and a newspaper with a note what page to turn to and have it delivered to his/her desk!
70 This is so simple…yet soooo important…….remember each day to tell your significant other “I LOVE YOU”. There is nothing sweeter or more romantic than hearing those words. You may say I already knew this one…but do you do it EVERYday?
71 Slow dancing in the Living room to candle light.
72 A picnic in an unusual place (office floor, roof of a building, car hood downtown, etc).
73 Leave your favorite romantic song left on their voice mail at the office.
74 Show respect and appreciation for you lover’s family, especially his/her mother. You may not get along on everything, but remember, you all love the same person!
75 Go on a Ferris wheel together at night. If really lucky, time it when the fireworks are exploding.
76 Spend a half hour just kissing and cuddling. Just enjoy the moment with each other. You may have to say ahead of time : “I just want to make-out”
77 Instead of buying a card, visit the local craft store and purchase the materials to make your very own greeting card. Write a special poem or tell your special person why they are special. Add a picture of the two of you together. Hand made gifts and cards are the most memorable
78 Purple Roses are rare – so is the love behind them. You can put that in the card or say it in person.
79 Take a midnight stroll somewhere near a place with a clock tower. Then kiss through all 12 strokes at midnight. (This also works at home if you have a clock that strikes the hour!)
80 If she is wearing a dress with lots of buttons, or using the buttons on his shirt (don’t forget the buttons on his cuffs!) when you undress them, one button at a time, exchange a kiss between every button.
81 Take the afternoon off, go out in the woods or a field and pick Wild flowers together.
82 Try leaving just one flower on a bed pillow or occasionally leave a trail of flowers leading to the bed!
83 Go to your nearest lover’s lane and make love in the car! It may not be as easy as it was when you were younger, but it will be just as worth it guaranteed.
84 Compliment each other. We all need to hear that we are appreciated and loved. There isn’t a man or woman alive that doesn’t like to hear “Wow, you look fantastic!”
85 Tell the children (in front of me) what a good parent I am.
86 Pick up your lover’s favorite food and take it to them. It could be licorice or beef jerky, or whatever.
87 Send them a postcard whenever you’re out of town. And say “I Love you” on it.
88 Take each other on a date at least once a week. Set a certain day as “Date night”!
89 Have adventures! Go and do and see and try daring things! Create a list for each year and put them on the calendar to make sure you don’t forget
90 Conserve Water, shower together.
91 Kiss each other often, especially when you greet or part from each other, and hold every kiss for at least 5 seconds, every time!
92 An unexpected phone call in the middle of the day! And if you get their voice mail, leave an extra sexy message!
93 Buy a lottery ticket. Give it to your partner with a little note attached: “I hit the jackpot when I married you!”
94 We all like surprises – Nothing is better than being surprised spontaneously by your spouse -just make them aware to be available for a certain weekend – you are going to dazzle them and the choice is yours – where you will drive to and the picnic you have packed and ready in the trunk – have a place booked at a hotel – whatever your budget – take bubble bath, massage lotion, a different night gown that you “normally” wear – and treat the spouse like a “king” or “queen” – the planning is all done by you – they don’t have to think and arrange – you have done it all — have a picnic in your hotel room, with music – a memory that will not be forgotten
95 Second most romantic thing a man can say to a woman: “Honey, I’ll do the dishes tonight.”
96 Hold hands when you walk together, always.
97 Return to the site of your First Date.
98 Make a giant greeting card out of a big cardboard box, (such as the type used to pack a refrigerator).
99 Leave a surprise handwritten note (e.g., on the computer or in a daytimer) describing what you most love about her/him.
100 Create heart shapes with ketchup, mustard or whatever sauce you are serving. You can do that on the plate or on a sandwich which ever applies
101 Kidnap her! Blindfold her. Drive her around town until she’s thoroughly lost. Then reveal your destination: Her favorite restaurant, or maybe a romantic inn.
Romantic Things To Do:
102 Tell him/her you are so glad you are both together as you share your goodnight “kiss”. Take a moment, look them in the eyes and hold hands, and let them know you really mean it!
103 Make the time to give a massage with your partners choice of oils or powder. Massage all of the body, especially include the face, head, feet etc. Take as much time as is needed. Be sure the phone is off the hook and that you will not be disturbed. If you can gather the willpower, finish with a kiss and don’t graduate to sex. Yes you heard that right…DON’T graduate into sex…let your partner bask in the relaxation of the massage. I’m sure you will get your payback soon enough.
104 Agree to meet at a party, club or public place and each of you role-play someone other than yourselves. “Meet” for the first time and flirt! Make up an outrageous story – be a movie producer, a spy, politician or wealthy jet-setter! We almost always succeed in seducing each other this way!
105 Test drive a Porsche or a Mercedes or something high end you both love…play the part!
106 Unroll the toilet paper roll several feet and use a marker very carefully writing a message to your lover…then roll it back up carefully.
107 Buy a man’s silk pajama set – hubby wears the bottom and she wears the top.
108 The next time you visit a restaurant just sit on the same side of the booth with your mate, get cozy, and enjoy each other. It’s amazing how sitting beside each other can change the mood.
109 Give your lover a dozen roses—with a creative twist. Give eleven red roses and one white rose. Attach a note that reads: “In every bunch there’s one who stands out—and you are that one.”
110 When the love of your life is down in the dumps…post this video to her facebook, her twitter, email a link…however you do it…get her a copy of this Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars from Youtube.
111 And finally, let’s remember to be “inclusive” in our loving and affection – romance shouldn’t be just for lovers! We all need to feel we matter, are loved, respected and cared about. Leave little unexpected tokens of love for EVERYONE! Give joy to old people, visit them when they stay on one of the adult day care centers (they especially need hugs and to feel listened to). Give your time and affection to children, single people, friends, and even strangers. We all need love, hugs, affection and romance! (Even our pets respond more lovingly to a bit of fuss and attention!) We all need it, and those of us who have “no attachments” or anyone “special” in their lives perhaps need it more than most.
Do Yourself a Favor and Print These Romantic Things To Do out on paper…read it every so often, and don’t forget the magic is all in the planning and the details!
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